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Willie Loco Alexander


The Godfather of Boston Punk was making music long before punk became a fashionable term and continues to create timeless work long since the term punk fell out of fashion. His resume includes both D.I.Y. and major label releases with a career that spans over five decades.

There was the Battle of the Bands in 1976 (precursor to the Rumble) and the manager of Fox Pass said, sort of on a dare, "Willie, when the fuck are you gonna put your own band together? You're playing with everybody, which I think was ideal because I got my name in the paper constantly. I took the dare and got together with Billy Loosigian. He was working at the Record Garage and had a band, Wild Honey, with Sev Grossman (bass) and David McLean (drums). I said hey, I got this gig coming up, can I borrow your band, so he said sure. We got about ten songs down, played it, and ended up winning, so we stayed together." They were still gigging as Wild Honey, then they said, "We'll just do it with you for a while," and that was the Boom Boom Band. More

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