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Margaret Sanger

MARGARET SANGER (1879 – 1966)

New York. Birth Control Pioneer. Author. Sex Educator.

After spending her formative years in New York state and Canada, Margaret landed in Greenwich Village in 1911 as a wife and a mother of three with a nursing degree under her belt. She soon found herself in the company of the era's Bohemian all-stars - Mabel Dodge, Upton Sinclair, Emma Goldman, Big Bill Haywood and Jack Reed. She was among the protestors surrounding both the Paterson Silk Strike and Lawrence Textile.

Her articles soon appeared in the New York Call where she found her niche as the voice at the helm of taboo discussions surrounding women's reproductive rights, reproductive organs and the emancipation of just about anything pertaining to the female nether region. Her novels What Every Mother Should Know and What Every Girl Should Know.

OCTOBER 16, 1916 - In Brooklyn, New York, Margaret Sanger opens the first family planning clinic in the United States.

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